
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

When you take the time to research all the claims Alex Gibney makes in his documentaries, it becomes obvious: Alex Gibney is not a journalist. He’s a committed propagandist.

How else to explain his hatchet job on the Catholic Church… his vicious character assassination of the founder of Apple Computer… or his fraudulent diatribe against the Church of Scientology?

Of course, Alex Gibney didn’t just become a propagandist overnight. He learned at the feet of a master – his father, Frank.

Frank Gibney is a graduate of Yale University, a well-known hub of CIA recruitment activity.

During World War II, the elder Gibney was a “translator” and “interpreter” for the U.S. Office of Naval Intelligence in Japan. He also took part in the interrogation of Japanese prisoners of war. What is not well known is that just like today, “interrogation” to extract information routinely employed torture. Some prisoners were even executed as an example to others.

Frank Gibney’s role in these practices has never been made clear.

After the War, Gibney transferred to the Tokyo Bureau of Time, where he worked under Time/Life editor C.D. Jackson, who some say was the heart and soul of the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird project.

Operation Mockingbird was a CIA program that used journalists throughout the media to plant CIA propaganda disguised as “news”.

A personal friend of CIA director, Allen Dulles, in 1965, Frank Gibney wrote a book called “Penkovsky Papers” about a Russian double agent caught and then killed by the Soviet government.

After the book was exposed by the mainstream press as propaganda, Gibney was forced to admit not only that the book had been based on CIA disinformation files, but that its central conceit, a diary kept by Penkovsky, was entirely invented.

Apparently, Gibney neglected to realize that any good spy would never write a diary.

But Alex Gibney’s propaganda connections don’t stop there.

His stepfather, William Sloane Coffin, also went to Yale, and also worked for the CIA as an intelligence officer.

Alex Gibney himself went to Yale. It is not yet known if he too has any connections with the Agency.

What is known, however, is that Frank Gibney’s son Alex presents a very biased and one-sided view of the world that he wants you to believe is true.

This is a man who has said: “Everything is spin. And the idea is you go in, you tell your story forcefully and you stick to that story.”

And that is the very definition of propaganda.

Tags: Alex Gibney CIA